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The 2021 Project of Promote the Marine Debris Recycling and Recycling Mark Management

The implementation period of this project is from April 26, 2021 to December 31, 2021. Relevant results include: (1)To improve the management of Recycled Marine Debris Product Label, the project has compiled the analysis and comparison of 13 standards of the international environmental protection label, the verification of recycled products, and the related marine waste label worldwide. We invited experts, environmental protection groups and local authorities to address the material recycling problems in a meeting. The project has established application procedure and specifications governing use of Recycled Marine Debris Product Label. (2)The project has established the review procedures. In addition, by handling 3 application explanation meetings, promoted and increased the willingness of the industry to apply for the label, and coached the industry in a total of 8 different materials types of products, obtained the Recycled Marine Debris Product Label. In regards to international cooperation, the project established short-, mid-, and long-term goals, and began the work of achieving short-term goals, and successfully assisted the RFMB in attending online meetings held by APEC, ADB, and IGES to share Taiwan’s Recycled Marine Debris Product Label scheme and discuss potential collaboration opportunities. (3)The project completed the establishment of a Recycled Marine Debris Product Label application information area, handled 2 marine waste recycling conferences, and collected more than 30 cases of marine waste recycling products. Completed the production of the English version of Taiwan’s Recycled Marine Debris Product Label system briefings and speeches, which were published in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation’s Chemical Dialogue Group Meeting and Ocean and Fishery Working Group Meeting. (4)Completed the Recycled Marine Debris Product Label promotion film and 2-type advocacy products 1,200 pieces, is expected to be on December 27 for the Recycled Marine Debris Product Label award and results of the publication. (5)This project accomplished data collection and analysis of recycling technology, usage, and industrial application of recycled PET granules, within the range of Taiwan, the European Union, the United States, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, and various international organizations. Moreover, this project accomplished the collection and analysis, of ultra-clean process technology, application, industry application status, and regulations related to the usage of recycled PET granules, including the manufacture of food utensils, containers, and packaging. As a response to the usage of recycled PET granules in the manufacture of food utensils, containers, and packaging. We examined environmental protection laws and regulations in Taiwan, and provide further legislative amendments.
marine debris, recycling, Recycled Marine Debris Product Label